Grace Has An Edge: Mosaic Of Grace Excerpt 2

My first trade book, Mosaic Of Grace, launched last week, and was a #2 bestseller in it’s category in the UK, and #3 in the US, as well as #1 Hot New Release.

I’ve been blown away by the response to the book, and many of the hugely supportive and encouraging comments I’ve received from people. I’m truly grateful. Thank you. If you’ve not yet bought the book, you can get the hard copy on Amazon here, and on Kindle here.

So today on the blog, I have another excerpt from the book – this part is about how grace compels us to make a commitment to change – and how true grace has an edge to it. Take a read, and then if you’ve not already, go get your copy today!


In the scriptures, Jesus tells a story about a shepherd who had a hundred sheep but lost one. Instead of looking after the 99, he left to find the one sheep that was lost. Jesus says that this is a reflection of how God loves us. The summer of 2013, God took me on a journey into the truth of myself. He showed me the complete train wreck I am inside, with exposing the messiness only He and I know really exists.

One Sunday that summer, I went forward for prayer at church. I knew I had issues, like all of us, but I felt that I was in control of them. But then, faced with God’s truth, I realized that I was a lost sheep. I had strayed further away from God than I’d thought. I was suddenly more aware of my state. The experience of knowing that I had issues to work on overwhelmed me.

In that moment, I saw myself with the eyes of the Divine, and I realized how far I had fallen. I recognized how far Jesus had come to find me. I was deeply broken, with all my hurts, anger, failure, and weakness exposed. As I dealt with the hurt, mistakes, and mess, that I began to hope in who I could become. Knowing the mess that I truly am actually freed me to become all I can be.

Today, I still have struggles and conflicts. I make mistakes. I get humbled. But within the new awareness, I know that the shattered glass of my life is being turned into something more beautiful, as I become the person I’m meant to be. Embracing Truth I am a mess. And I am loved. Inexplicably. Incredibly. Radically. In my mess.

And so are you.

Yes, even with that habit, that sin, that mistake. You are loved right in the middle of your mess. Do you know that?

Your life might be as shattered glass. There might be sharp edges that would hurt incredibly, if touched. You might be overwhelmed with the dark parts of your life. Or you might feel trapped in a life you don’t want to live, a habit you can’t break. And you want a transformed life. Know right now, you’re loved and accepted exactly where you are.


And grace is waiting to transform you. (you can tweet that)

I have to warn you, though. Sometimes understanding and embracing God’s grace is not a wholly gentle thing. It grabs us, shocks us, prods us, and compels us. It has an edge. An edge that isn’t afraid, if you let it, to make you into the person you were created to be.

Grace wants to embrace you, me, and all of us. To put us back together again. Not to make everything suddenly okay, but to offer something to hold onto, as we take the first steps out from the place we’re in right now.

Do you want hope? I do. Hope is possible. Hope comes when we exchange the incorrect way we see the world for the lens of grace. When our view changes, the shattered glass of our lives is fitted back together into a beautiful mosaic, for all of the world to see.

A mosaic that doesn’t cover the problems we face—but shines the light of Christ onto the problems.

A mosaic that exposes the truth of our lives and compels us to change.


Mosaic Of Grace is available to buy now on Amazon, hard copy here, and on Kindle here


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Text: Copyright 2017 James Prescott, published by Celtic Cross Publishing


Graphic Created by James Prescott

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  1. Michelle Twin Mum on February 22, 2017 at 8:53 pm

    Thanks James. I love how you say ‘seeing the world through the lens of grace’ and that is exactly what I am learning to do. It’s not easy but it is completely worth it.

    Mich x

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