Why my Laptop is my Holy Ground (and how to discover yours)

Source: pinwords.com via James on So many go through life with no sense of calling. They seem to drift in and out of jobs or careers, never feeling settled. Either they have no idea about calling and what their calling is, or they do, and are afraid to embrace it. I’m convinced one of the…

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Why Life is like Writing

Source: pinwords.com via James on Pinterest I’ve written for so long, it’s almost become second nature to me. I love the art, the craft of writing. But the thought of writing always daunts me. The idea of having to work hours and hours crafting a piece, without any guarantee of getting a positive response. Truth…

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The Importance of Being Encouraging

Words have such power don’t they? Especially words fed to us as we are growing up. The messages we hear through our teenage years have the potential to stay with us for decades to come. The words I heard the most when I was a teenager were “You aren’t good enough”. At school I was…

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Greater Doubt…Deeper Intimacy

Source: pinwords.com via James on Pinterest I recently posted on the ‘God-shaped hole’ (find it here), where I concluded by saying the idea of the hole in us which can be completed is a lie – because we’re already complete in God. It’s as we open our eyes and receive the gift that’s already been…

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What Story are You Telling?

Source: pinwords.com via James on Pinterest I recently noticed something about my life. Most of the stories I’m telling, all the big, significant moments in my life that impacted me the most. They’re in the past. They aren’t in the present. Bullying at school. Growing up in a broken home. My Mum’s death. Even, to…

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This is my truth

Today’s post is one of the most honest I have ever written. I wrote it as a stream of consciousness, straight from my heart. I let out what I was really thinking without the fear and boundaries I so often put up, or are afraid to go beyond. Which is really what the post is…

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Social Media: Digital Extending the Physical

Last time we discussed how the profile we present in the digital space can be merely a representation of the social self we display in the physical realm. This leads into a bigger, wider question though. Are all the interactions and spaces in the digital realm merely an extension of what happens in the physical…

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Social media & the social self

We all have a social self. A self the world sees, the part of us that we like everyone to know, the best parts of us. The words we use to interact with those around us, the image we present to the world. The social self is merely an image projected by us, which we…

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Social Media: Life without digital, death without physical

I recently went to the birthday party of a good friend. I only knew one person at the party – the person who’d invited me. By the end of the evening I’d chatted to at least 5 or 6 new people in depth – and made two new Facebook friends. I’d also managed to grow…

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Social Media: Which world do you live in?

I’ve lost count of the number of discussions I’ve now had online about the reality of social media. (Anyone else see the irony of that statement?  Yes, me too). I’ve also now had a fair few requests for more posts on the subject. Funnily enough this was all perfect timing, given I’d just written a…

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