Why We Must Be Advocates, Not Platform Builders

When we write, or we create art, or anything for that matter, is there a cause, a reason, an underlying passion, a mission?

When I began my podcast and was looking for great people to interview, I’ll be honest, it was more about me. I didn’t realise this at the time, but looking back, I was looking to grow my podcast (not a bad desire in itself) and I wanted guests to help me do that.

I did – and do – want to share great stories, whether they’re from well known people, or less well known stories But on reflection, back then I wanted names for what they could do for me, not how I could serve them.

It wasn’t to serve them. It wasn’t to learn from them. With the big names, wasn’t about advocating a particular message or cause It was simply to use their platform to advance mine. And fortunately, I didn’t get hardly any of the “big names” I wanted back then.

Thank goodness I didn’t. Because back then, my attitude was dead wrong.

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Episode 35 | Anita Wing Lee & The Soul Of Humanity Project

Anita Wing Lee, Periscoper, communicator & writer, joins me today to talk about a really important cause. The Soul Of Humanity is a book of stories, photos and creative work surrounding the story of refugee crisis, with all profits going to aid awareness and give direct support to the refugees themselves.  Their project is on…

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Episode 34 | Shane Blackshear & Seminary Dropout

Shane Blackshear of the ‘Seminary Dropout’ podcast joins me today, to share his own powerful story of being a seminary dropout, then pastor & planting a church. He shares lessons he’s learned about faith, and what led him to start his ‘Seminary Dropout’ podcast.  We talk about what it really means to be a ‘minister’,…

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Episode 33 | Pete Rollins on Certainty, Critiquing Faith & Confronting Truth

Today philosopher, poet & theologian Pete Rollins & I discuss the problem of certainty in our spirituality & daily lives, why we need to critique our faith and how important it is to confront the truth of who we are to have true spiritual growth.  We discuss Pete’s ‘Atheism For Lent’ project and how it…

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Doing Justice To The Message: Why I’m Scaling Back My Blogging

I’ve been blogging for over a decade now, and in many ways I’ve got a great fondness for this medium. It’s a safe space to share the genesis of ideas, to connect with people, and to be vulnerable. It also allows me to keep the discipline of regular writing.

However as I’ve said before, blogging has become more a burden than a joy in recent years. And as I’ve begun a podcast this has been brought more sharply into focus.

I’m loving the creative process and weekly sharing of interviews and occasional short talks on the podcast, and can’t wait to do more (you’re going to love this weeks episode..). But blogging every week feels a burden, and has for a while. And above all, I believe it’s hindering me from doing justice to the message of my second print book, which I’m writing at the moment.

So something has to change.

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Episode 32 | Andy Gray & The Karma Shema Drama

Today pastor & author Andy Gray shares his own powerful story, and talks about the revolutionary yet Biblical idea of Shema.  Shema means to hear, and Andy passionately explains how God wants us to hear His call to live lives overflowing with God’s love. A love which was to be on our lips every morning,…

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When Forgiveness Means Falling On The Grenade (guest post by Ashley Hales)

I just want to hear her say, “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Will you please forgive me?”

So I wait for those words – the words, that like an incantation, will make the fury all go away. I let the stillness come over me, holding out my palms, desperate to unclench them. I want open, supple hands that are hands of welcome, refuge, and encouragement. I want my hands to hug and console.

Instead, my fists clench tighter and I dig my fingernails into the flesh. My palms receive my frustration and anger, and bitterness sinks into the grooves my fingernails leave.

But the answer leaves me tight-fisted. The repentance is a shallow, “I’m sorry, but…” with a litany of lists and explanation. I’m hollow and left with a strange feeling of distance. Feeling just a little bit lost, like I can’t find my way home anymore. And I realize, I don’t think I can even imagine what repentance might look like. At least not here, not now.

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Episode 31 | Steve Chalke & A Vision For Inclusive Church

Today I host pastor, speaker & author Steve Chalke. Steve shares the powerful story of how Oasis Trust – a network of churches, schools and more – started and the impact it’s had on individual’s lives. He outlines his vision of what church can and should be, and what our part can be in that. Finally,…

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Why Money Doesn’t Equal Success

I often have had writers come to me and say they feel they have failed as a writer. They tell me they want to give up. And I find an alarming number of people measure this failure by one simple fact.

They’ve not made any money from their work.

In 10-11 years of blogging and writing regularly, I’ve interacted with many writers. And in my experience there are way too many writers who have been led to believe that success as a writer or artist means making money from your work.

And it’s a total and utter lie.

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Episode 28 | Lorna Kopp On The Links Between Creativity, Vulnerability & Faith

Lorna Kopp (aka Lorna Faith) is my guest today. Lorna, a writer, author & coach, shares her story and we talk about the importance of vulnerability in creating authentic work. We also discuss how her faith has impacted her creative work, and the power of encouragement. 

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