Episode 22 | Calling: Part 3 – Have Fun

In part 3 of this series on calling, I explore the a simple but forgotten truth about calling – that callings can, and should, be fun. To be enjoyed. To be something we ultimately find joy in.  We may not initially want to do what we’re called to, but if we’re really called to it,…

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Episode 21 | Calling: Part 2 – Before You Begin

Before we begin exploring what our calling is & how to pursue it, we need to ground ourselves in the right place. In part 2 of my series on calling, I explore how often put our security in our calling or vocation – and how if we are to really thrive, we need to place…

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What Is Calling? – A Podcast Series

Calling. It’s a word more and more of us are thinking about, and using in our day to day lives.

Calling speaks to our desire for purpose and meaning. It causes us to ponder what we really wish to do with our lives. It whispers to us in our imaginations, and makes us wonder whether our life might just be about something bigger than ourselves.

Calling and vocation can, however, be easily misunderstood.

So every day on my podcast this week, I’m going to be unpacking this subject, and these a bit more.

You see, many often talk about calling in terms of one calling for life. These

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Episode 20 | Calling Part 1: What Is Calling?

This week I’m doing a five-part series on the subject of calling. Calling is a word we use more and more often, but can be misunderstood. In this series I examine various questions/issues/misunderstandings around calling, and how we can discover our own calling. Today I begin with the basic question, ‘What Is Calling?’  We talk…

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Episode 19 | The Neuroscience Of Spirituality with Dr Kate Hendricks Thomas

Dr Kate Hendricks Thomas is a health educator & author who has conducted research which proves there is a science to our spirituality. Today I talk with her about the three things her research has shown are required for healthy living – and an evidence basis for spirituality. Hendricks Thomas gives us a fascinating insight…

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Liz Gilbert & Why Our Calling Doesn’t Have To Pay The Bills

Author Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir ‘Eat Pray Love’ sold 10 million copies. But what many people don’t know, is that she was a ‘successful’, paid writer before that book. Maybe not to the degree that she is now, but still relatively successful.

But even so, as Gilbert shares in her recent book ‘Big Magic’, she only gave up her day job once ‘Eat Pray Love’ went huge. She had been freelance paid writer before then, but had kept a day job the whole time.

Because she saw – and still sees – writing as her calling, her vocation – whether it’s her day job or not.

Which highlights one of the biggest and most dangerous myths around calling:

That to pursue a vocation or calling means it has to become our day job, our primary source of income – otherwise we’ve failed in our calling.

And it’s a total lie.

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Episode 18 | Life Happens – Choosing Your One Word For 2016

It’s the time of year man of us choose our goals for the coming year. What I’ve done in recent years is choose one word to give me focus and direction, and which sums up all my goals – and it’s had a massively positive impact. So today I share about the #OneWord365 project, how…

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How Will You Be Transformed in 2016? #OneWord365

Each year is a season. Each year, we undergo a process of transformation, of some kind. We’re never the same person departing the year as we were walking in. Whether we’re intentional or not about this process, transformation always happens. For good, or for ill.

Ironically, the word transformation was one I chose for my ‘OneWord365’ for 2015 (I’m going to talk more about One Word 365 and how it’s impacted my life, and how it can impact yours, in the podcast on Wednesday.

There’s no doubt my life as a whole, and especially my perception of life, faith, spirituality, and creativity, has transformed in 2015. And as happened in previous years, the word I chose has become true in many more ways than I could have foreseen.

But what I’ve learned is we are always in a process of transformation. Whether we like it or not. The choice we have is not whether we’re going to be transformed, but how.

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Episode 17 | Darkness & Light – A Christmas Reflection

From Dec 21st there will be a little more sunlight coming into the world. Christmas is a story of new hope. It’s a symbol of new light coming into a world of darkness. And that metaphor is demonstrated in God’s creation. Today on the podcast I reflect on the metaphor of darkness and light, and…

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Episode 16 | Hope Awakens: The Spirituality Of Star Wars (#GeekSpirituality)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens this week. And today is the beginning of an occasional series called ‘Geek Spirituality – where I & others explore the connections between spirituality & the stories told comic book movies, sci-fi classics like Star Wars & Doctor Who & others. Today I begin with the world of Star Wars.  Firstly,…

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