Letter To Me: Rhiannon Hall

In 2014 I ran a series of guest posts by writer friends, all writing a letter to themselves – either a past self from their present self, or to their present self from their future self.

This inspired my friend Rhiannon Hall, who wrote a letter to herself, and shared it with me. I loved it so much, I got her permission to share it here.

Rhiannon’s is a powerful, moving & courageous letter. So here it is:

Dear 37 Year Old Rhiannon Hall,

First, breathe.

I swear that I remember sitting there starting to reading this… I know you feel that tightness in your chest and you think you are about to cry because you want answers and life seems so complicated and scary. Just do us a favor and breathe for a minute.

Then read on. (And I know you are now fully crying and that’s okay.)

I am proud of you for getting where you are at the moment you are living in. 2015 changed a lot of things for us, didn’t it?

You risked so much to become whole and truly live your authentic life.

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Episode 15 | Lisa Delay & Sparking The Creative Muse

Lisa Delay of the Spark My Muse podcast is my guest today. Lisa is an author, podcaster & communicator, and the co-founder, with myself, of #synCREATE, a collaborative creative community, as well as a friend. She’s passionate about inspiring people to discover their creative gifts and discover more of the divine in everyday life.  Today…

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Surrendering The Final Word

I can screw up. A lot. I’ve said and done things I’m not proud of. I’ve got regrets. And I’ve had to hear and reflect on some harsh truths in my time.

It’s so easy for me, as a writer who tries to be honest, and who writes material to encourage and help others grow, to give the impression you have all the answers.

But many of us, whether we’re writers or not, love to the have the final word. And we’ll keep on responding in discussions – online and offline – just to make sure we do.

Which, as we all know deep down, is not a healthy approach to life.

Experience has convinced me there’s a better way. Surrender.

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Episode 14 | #synCreate – Creativity, Community, Collaboration & Fun

Today I introduce synCreate – a new creative community, where every single person is invited to create art of any kind you like – words, music, painting, drawing, photos, videos, podcasts, blog posts, animation, films – anything – on monthly themes, sharing them in community & with the hashtag #syncreate.  It’s a space with freedom…

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Episode 13 | Taylor Duvall & The Creative Journey

Today I have writer & blogger Taylor Duvall on the show. Taylor has a powerful, challenging story to share, which takes in writing, moving from traditional church to a more progressive spirituality, discovering a new life and purpose beyond her divorce at 22, and much more.  Taylor’s an amazing person & phenomenal writer, and has…

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Fear Can’t Dictate – Love Always Wins

I didn’t blog last week. In light of recent events in the world, I felt it was right to be silent, out of respect of the days of mourning set aside for the victims of the violence – in France, and in Lebanon too.

I felt a particularly strong sense of despair at these attacks. For a number of reasons – the more vulnerable place I’m at in my journey, having a good friend who lives in Paris. Like many of us, I needed time to process it all.

As I reflected, two words keep coming up for me in light of those attacks.

Fear. Love.

And right now, fear seems to be winning.

But I choose to say something different today. I say that love wins. And ultimately, it always will.

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Episode 12 | Troy McLauglin (Project Pastor)

Today I talk to podcaster, blogger and pastor Troy McLaughlin about creativity, calling, faithfulness and keeping integrity in our work. Troy shares about his own powerful journey of calling & how it’s led him to where he is today, and his online work on Project Pastor. 

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Episode 11 | Sarah Bessey

Today I’m joined by Sarah Bessey, blogger, speaker & author of the new book ‘Out Of Sorts’, and ‘Jesus Feminist’. Sarah shares her own story of faith, leaving & coming back to the church & finding Jesus in the process.  Sarah & I chat about what it means to have an evolving faith, the importance of…

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Episode 9 | The First Act Of Faith

Before we progress in our spiritual journey, there is one big step of faith we have to take….and it’s not just about belief. 

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Lost & Found : How I Lost A Parent & Found My Faith

I’ve found myself at a major crossroads recently. I love Jesus. I love our church community. I’m rediscovering the Bible. I’m finding myself experiencing the spirit of God in a much deeper way.

And yet, I find myself shifting away from the evangelical church. I am less able to experience God or connect with Him in the ways I have in the past.

I used to believe in a God of certainty. Now I believe in a God of mystery.

And why? Because of the darkest day of my life.

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