Episode 8 | Lauren Ward – Feminism & Faith

Lauren Ward from FeministFaith.com shares her story today. Lauren talks about what she calls ‘Christian Feminism’, and how her feminist and Christian beliefs have shaped her story and her life choices, including her recent engagement.  Finally, Lauren offers encouragement to all Christian women who are feeling unable to express who they truly are.

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Afraid? Today Can Be Different

I’ll be honest, something in me panics every time I have to step out and do something on my own, without approval, without knowing the answers, without control, without training.

Every. Single. Time.

Usually, my response is excess panic, emotion, stress, anxiety, fear, thinking a million steps ahead, thousands of ‘what ifs’, jumping all the steps straight to the result, pulse rate going into emergency mode, adrenaline pumping, rational thought gone, mind clouded, stress levels growing.

All together in my body in less than 10 seconds.

This panic is basically what stops me from being the best version of myself.

And it all comes from fear.

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Episode 7 | This Is How It Rolls

We need to have the courage to admit to ourselves, and eventually to others, who we really are, what we really believe and where we are in our journey.  It’s time to have the courage to say ‘this is how it rolls with me’. And if we do, we’ll find freedom, we’ll find new life,…

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Episode 6 | Chasing Lovely (The Wolfie Episode)

Today I’m joined by multi-genre musical duo Chloe & Taylor Turner, aka Chasing Lovely. Chloe & Taylor share their story, talk about creativity & their own spiritual journey. Plus, there’s an exclusive live acoustic performance of the title track from their EP ‘Unbridled’.  (’Wolfie’ is the collective name of Chloe, Taylor & myself. Keep your eyes…

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Be The Best You

It’s so popular in our celebrity culture to say “I want to be like [insert name of well known successful person you admire]”.

Celebrity idolatry is at an all time high. Fortunately, over time many people have learned to recognise it for what it is, and to avoid it.

But there’s a subtle, much more significant issue at work too. That of ‘wanting to healthily model the person I admire’.

At it’s best this is healthy. In some ways to learn from and aspire to be more like others who have walked a similar path, can be a good thing. It’s important to look at others with similar gifts and callings, those we respect, and learn lessons from them.

But if we’re not careful, this can lead us down the path of essentially becoming copies of those we admire.

We can become so busy trying to become like someone else, that we forget to be ourselves.

And even worse, we can use our ‘trying to be like someone else’ as a way of avoiding being who we were made to be. Maybe even to cover up for a belief that we, in ourselves, on our own, don’t have value or legitimacy, and nor does our work.

And it’s a horrendous lie.

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Episode 5 | Matt Damon & The Myth Of Success

Creativity isn’t about money, stats or awards. All art matters – because it exists.

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‘James Talks’ 3 Episode Week – 2: ‘Hearing Our Subconscious’

Hey friends, welcome back to the blog. I hope you’ve been enjoying my new podcast, James Talks. We’ve had 3 episodes now & it’s been great so far.

This week I have some great news – there’s going to be three – yes, count ’em, three – episodes.

There was one yesterday called ‘A Tale Of Two Fathers’ (The Bad Father & The Good Father), and there is another new episode going out on Friday.

And to make up the three, there is a brand new episode live right now! It’s called ‘Hearing Our Subconscious’

Today I talk about how creativity and our subconscious are connected, and can help us discover our true, authentic voice.

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Spilling The Blood Of Our Wounds (#OutOfSortsBook)

Do you ever feel out of sorts?

The feeling that underneath the veneer of ‘togethered-ness’ you give to the majority of the world around you, you are ready to fall apart.

And that sense that all the certainty of what you believed – whether atheist, agnostic, or someone of faith, something doesn’t make sense? That there’s more than the certainty you once knew.

Or maybe, if you’re a Christian like me, that all the rigid rules, doctrines and beliefs you once held sacred just don’t fit with the material reality of your life?

Me too.

I’m pretty good at the whole, “I’ve got it sorted” routine. Sometimes, even, it’s a little true. But in the last few years the veneer of certainty has gone.

The more I’ve spoken about the way my faith is evolving, the more voices of disagreement I hear.

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